Thursday, January 07, 2010

 Original Globe Story Harper to prorogue yet again
Canadians barely tolerated him when he was at least attempting to run a government, albeit because there was no real threat to his musollian dynasty. But this is a clear slap in the face of democracy even by the tarnished standards it is cemented with these days. Well good luck to him, he may just find that Canadians are not so obliging to catering to his Laissez-faire style of governance and opt for the anyone but strategy. I personally think, that like Ernie Eves he has run out of ways to fudge the numbers, his caucus combined doesn't have a clue how to move forward, so they are looking for a Kim Cambell to take the fall. Then like their Mentor Mulroney skulk into the shady underworld that they have created for themselves to continue their parasitic leaching.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

The nature of God

The story of the seeker and the radio:

A  man, who on happening upon a big old table top radio, heard the voice coming from it, and determined that God was in the radio. Braving to eventually open the back of the radio, he discovered no God. And thus a portion proclaimed “There is no God”.

The man then determined that God must be in one of the many tubes nested there inside the radio and as time progressed and he gained the expertise to grasp the nature and function of the tube, he found no God. And thus a portion proclaimed there is no God.

The man then determined that God must be in the circuit board, where the tubes are nested, inside the cabinet of the old radio. The man continued his study of the nature of the radio, read countless books, formed countless theories, but found no God. And thus a portion proclaimed “There is no God”.

Now deep in despair, feeling somewhat betrayed, somewhat disheartened, but mostly disillusioned he noticed that beside the old radio, there was a bookcase and on that bookcase there was an old bible and as he marvelled at its ornate leather scrolled binding and gold leaf pages, he noticed that one page had the corner folded and broke the even flow of the pages. He opened to that page; Job 38:1 “Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said”  His curiosity now spurred he continued to read, verse by verse, chapter by chapter, then he arrived at Job 40:7.

Then the mystery started to unfold, it became clearer and clearer and so he continued to read, and as it was made apparent to Job in the book that bears his name, that lo in Job 42:5 it stated:  “I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee.” The man smiled closed the book and placed it back on the shelf, glanced over at the radio, and yelled “God is not in the radio”  and a portion proclaimed there is no God.

God  simply “is”  it’s not religion it is reality proven to an individual , by an individual , for an individual.  And to everyone the same opportunity exists, to them, by them, for them. It’s never about proof but about acceptance. Not about choosing what to believe, but simply choosing to believe, and then accepting the gift.