Thursday, January 07, 2010

 Original Globe Story Harper to prorogue yet again
Canadians barely tolerated him when he was at least attempting to run a government, albeit because there was no real threat to his musollian dynasty. But this is a clear slap in the face of democracy even by the tarnished standards it is cemented with these days. Well good luck to him, he may just find that Canadians are not so obliging to catering to his Laissez-faire style of governance and opt for the anyone but strategy. I personally think, that like Ernie Eves he has run out of ways to fudge the numbers, his caucus combined doesn't have a clue how to move forward, so they are looking for a Kim Cambell to take the fall. Then like their Mentor Mulroney skulk into the shady underworld that they have created for themselves to continue their parasitic leaching.

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